Fixed Points for GPS and GNSS
RS090M, RS095M, RS0190M and RS0195M
The reference points RS090M, RS095M, RS0190M and RS0195M have been specifically developed for use with GPS and GNSS antennas as well as antenna poles. Combined with the OPFA system, they offer even more possibilities to optimize the use of your instruments.
Advantages of using these reference points with GPS and GNSS:
- Establishing Fixed Points:
Fixed points with a GNSS antenna if an accuracy of less than 1 cm is sufficient. The reference points can subsequently be used with total stations, laser scanners, drones, and other instruments.
- No Need to Drive Nails:
Instead, existing reference points are used, or new ones can be quickly and flexibly set with the RSFP-X90 to RSFP-X99 fixed point system. This provides significantly more mounting options compared to traditional nails: - Gluing - Screwing - Magnetic attachment - Additional options are detailed in “One Point Fits All“ – OPFA. Vertical Objects: Fixed points can also be established on vertical surfaces (e. g., walls) using GNSS / GPS Receiver with tilt compensation Seamless Workflow: Supports various measurement techniques: GNSS – Laser Scanning / Lidar – Photogrammetry – Total Stations – Laser Tools (line and rotation lasers).
RS090M and RS095M: Offset: 0 tilting axis height: 45 mm
RS0190M and RS0195M Offset: 0 tilting axis height: 100 mm
Dimensioning file RS090M, RS095M, RS0190M, RS0195M for download.
Here you find a dimensioning file for each RS product